Not everything you come across in the world is part of ‘your movie.’ Knowing what is and what isn’t makes it much easier to pursue the life you want.


Health Made Simple Meal Plan System! 

Sid and Matt Frazier on Plant Yourself Podcast with Howard Jacobson

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Stanford Inn Eco-Resort 
AtN Podcast music: The Sid Hillman Quartet

4 Responses

  1. Hey Sid: I keep meaning to ask you about mushroom coffee. You have mentioned it on several podcast. What brand do you use? Does it have some health quality to it? Or, is it just good and a healthier version of regular coffee? Thanks!

  2. Hi Pat! I use Four Sigmatic– (I’m not connected to them in any way)…I love it. Much less caffeine than a cup of coffee, and with medicinal mushrooms added. I’m a huge fan of medicinal mushrooms so I figure if I’m going to drink coffee anyways, it’s a way to ramp it up.

  3. Hi Sid! I have learned so much from the Podcasts…plus I signed up for Health Made Simple. I am so thankful for learning how to simplify meals and food. Also, something that you said on the Podcast recently was so incredibly freeing to me that I’ve been thinking about it for days. It was about having company and not focusing on the food as much. So, a little background…. Around 3 years ago when I went vegan, a nice surprise was that I started focusing more on people. To put it into context, I would be at a restaurant and there weren’t always vegan options, so instead I would just 100% focus on the people and how happy I was to be there, rather than what to order from all the options. But I never took it to the next level in having people over, as I wanted to make sure they ate well. But when I heard the podcast, I realized that sometimes in hosting I worry too much about the food and don’t give myself time to think of other aspects of the visit and guests overall experience. As you can see, I have a new perspective that has changed for the better! Thank you!

  4. Hi Rachel!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to comment…I had a very similar experience to you–almost as if I wanted to have the same level of joy, but simply looked for an alternate (and I think better in the end) source. At some point I began enjoying the different food just as much as before, but now have the joy I get from being with friends way more in the forefront. In any case, you’re great for writing…thanks

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