WST 158: Brutal

philosophy, health, wellness, politics

Letting go. Doing what’s best for someone else that is simultaneously the best for you? It can be brutal and right at the same time. Plus, the great scissor power grab, and an absolute mind-blowing discovery about coffee drinkers. Buckle in. Article referenced in this episode Throw me a few bucks on Patreon. USE CODE […]


philosophy, health, wellness, politics

Over consumption of physical and mental nutrition, too much of almost everything is taking us down. Less may be the name of the happiness game. A little stoicism shows up, plus a small steppers way of simplifying. And, Einstein’s theory on HIIT training. Throw me a few bucks on Patreon. USE CODE “summer30” for 30% […]

WST 156: ABD (Always Be Doing)

philosophy, health, wellness, politics

Always Be Doing. Embodying a mindset of action, of being an active participant in your life. Most of the time in control of what you want to do and not do. THIS liberates us from the rut, from the “should cloud” (read my book, Six Truths for more on this). Also, Michael Jordan…Not so great. […]