WST 089: Covet thy Neighbor

philosophy, health, wellness, politics

Thoughts and actions are NOT the same. Not by a long shot. But if I can convince you they are, I have a better shot of controlling you. IF that was my bag, which it isn’t. It isn’t. I promise. Support me: Patreon Find me: (resort) Health Made Simple Podcast Music:iTunes | […]

WST 015: A Priest and a Comedian walk into a bar.

philosophy, health, wellness, politics

A joke with a 35 minute punchline? Yeah, no. Please O’ please support me on Patreon Join my kick-ass 12-week program! Buy My Stuff: Merch Books Upcoming Speaking Gigs: SoCal VegFest (Costa Mesa, CA, October 20 & 21) World VegFest (San Francisco, CA, October 27) Fort Lauderdale VegFest (Ft. Lauderdale, FL, December 1)