WST 078: Slow Children at Play
Boy, you really get a sense of politicians during elections. So much childish behavior, and yet we keep the bar so high. We still expect so (too?) much from these people. Best if we don’t do that. Also, my Ford Focus is all of a sudden cool. Support me on Patreon Health Made […]
WST 043: Jump Start, Re-Start
Does a new direction mean a new identity? What if we broaden the way we identify ourselves? Can the “this is who I am” statement hold us back? So many questions discussed over a beer. Support me on Patreon Health Made Simple (8 week Healthy Eating Training) (my habit change program) (Sign up […]
WST 039: Lying in Wait
What happens when we lie. To ourselves, to others. How that can keep us stuck, unhappy, and exhausted. Btw, don’t google ‘lying in wait.’ I did, and it’s totally not what this episode is about. Support me on Patreon Health Made Simple (8 week Healthy Eating Training) (my habit change program) (Sign up […]
WST 014: it’s not you, it’s you
You’re gonna wanna leave a bad review on this one. Please O’ please support me on Patreon Join my kick-ass 12-week program! Buy My Stuff: Merch Books Upcoming Speaking Gigs: SoCal VegFest (Costa Mesa, CA, October 20 & 21) World VegFest (San Francisco, CA, October 27) Fort Lauderdale VegFest (Ft. Lauderdale, FL, December 1)