To Champion the Mundane
Quick thanks to a few donations that recently came in! This money enabled me to buy the equipment I needed/wanted for my new upcoming podcast (see the equipment in this recent vlog!). To be clear (in answer to questions I’ve been getting), the new show is NOT a reboot of the Approaching the Natural podcast. It’s […]
There’s a fine line between discipline and militancy
(Subscribe to my YouTube channel–there you will see me going heavy duty in setting up my new studio for a…well…I’m getting closer to a new podcast with each passing day. Including a whole new microphone/equipment set up. Let’s just say I’m in deep). Ok-here’s the post: As you know I’ve been doing the small steps […]
Change Up.
First a quick thanks for the recent podcast donations I’ve received. Some new-ish listeners who started with older episodes (btw, ALL 222 episodes are on my site, and the most recent 50 are on iTunes) are just now getting the news that I shut down the show. So, in came a few really nice e-mails and […]
Ah, push it.
Not sure who actually wrote “Ah, push it.” I mean, was it Salt, or Pepa, or a joint effort? Sure, it’s neither here nor there, but I’d kinda like to know, since I’m using that bit of wisdom for this post. I’d also like to add that I’ve always appreciated Salt-N-Pepa using just an “N” […]
No, no, no…yes?
A few years ago my sister announced she was beginning the “year of no.” A year where she decided to turn down everything. Everything. Can you help me move? No. Can you watch my children? No. I’m not exactly sure how it went, or how closely she stuck to it, but that move definitely stuck […]
Are you positive about this?
I am hyper-focused these days. On what? Hold on, I can’t remember. Oh right, hyper-focused on distractions. Sorry, got distracted there for a moment. Today’s world is so full of distractions it’s crazy-making. And the result? The very real energy expenditure required to get focused and stay focused. Without this expenditure, we can easily become […]
What’s Next.
Hi all. Blog post below but had to share this super cool testimonial that came in today. Check it and you’ll see how it relates to this week’s post: Testimonial: All the parts of Small Steppers, from the daily emails to the weekly videos and live Q&As are set up to ease you into finding out […]
The Principal of Principle
Spoiler alert, I’m about the quote the movie “Rio.” I have children – THAT’S why I’ve seen the movie, so…just shhh. There’s a great song in the movie (incidentally sung by Jemaine Clement, one of my faves), and I love this line from it: Like an abandoned school I have no principle. This post is […]
Fine, let’s talk food.
Quick note: As you know, I’m on a social media vacation, and let’s just say I’m loving the landscape. But, let’s face it, I’ve now got even less ability to put the word out about my work, so…here’s a quick ask: please forward these posts, share my YouTube channel, recommend my books to any like-minded folks […]
No, the title is not a Star Trek reference. This post is about a modern-world reality that is bringing us down. Side-note: I am officially on a social media vacation. Not posting on Twitter (I no longer have a Twitter account, so that’s a permanent vacation), Facebook, or Instagram. Why the vacation? Because someone a, […]