The Virtue of Slow
I grab my book (a physical book), sit down in a comfy chair with a cup of coffee, and am ready to start reading. Feeling so good, so relaxed. I take a quick glance at my phone and notice a text has come in. I check it. I respond to it. Then, since I’m on […]
Either Get In or Get Out
For the record, I do not think ignorance is bliss (even posted a YouTube video about it many moons ago). However…Knowledge can certainly be stress inducing and in this post I’m going to write about a specific instance when knowing something is not preferable. That instance: When you discover something about yourself–something you want in your […]
A Creative Ask
My first album in over 20 years is nearly finished and as much as I hate asking (for anything), I would appreciate your support for this project (PLEASE check out the Kickstarter campaign for this solo record entitled “Oxygen.” 21 days left! There’s a video that explains everything…). It was a bit strange to be, […]
French Fry Love
Fair warning. This post is going to be blunt. Here goes: You’re a drug addict. And so am I. Any time we ‘enhance’ food to make it taste better, we’re doing so to get a little higher than we would’ve otherwise. If, on the other hand, you’re someone who goes to the grocery store, buys […]
The Stories We Tell
We are made up of our memories and the stories we tell about both ourselves and our experiences in the world. When it comes to personal growth and evolution, I believe it is crucial to take a close look at these stories and be as honest as possible in our assessment of them. Here’s why: […]
Put You in Your Place
If you know me, you know I don’t go in for the woo woo. It’s not that I don’t think there’s the possibility of magic, the supernatural and what not. It’s that I simply don’t care. As in, it makes no difference to me one way or the other. So, with that said, this post […]
The 100th Came and Went
This post is about laurels. Specifically, whether it’s worth resting on them or not. Incidentally, for this post I (very) briefly checked into the etymology of the phrase “resting on your laurels.” Something about a crown made from laurels given to victorious athletes. Per usual, the Greeks started it and the Romans stole it from […]
The Challenge of Challenging
My most recent YouTube video documents a self-inflicted challenge I completed a few days ago. (More on the ‘self-inflicted’ part in a bit.) The challenge, conceived by David Goggins, is called “4X4X48” and it goes like this: Run 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours. So…I started on Thursday (May 7), running 4 miles […]
That Time I Turned Off YouTube Comments.
You know when you do something that feels so right on the money that you say to yourself “I should’ve done this years ago!”? That happened to me a month ago when I returned to YouTube. But, being back on YouTube wasn’t what was ‘so right.’ It was my decision to turn off the comment […]
The Thriving Mind.
Perhaps it’s good to briefly write about the mechanics of stress. Short story: Stress is a good thing when delivered to us in a measured way. I call it the Goldilocks of Stress. Just the right amount, just the right quality. And yes, that goes for chairs, beds and porridge too. Too much stress and […]