THIS is what we train for.

THIS is why I hammer home my small steps approach. THIS is why I talk about self-care. THIS is why I talk about keeping your stress down and your strength up. Ultimately, it’s never really about a scale weight or a per-minute mile pace. It’s about living long, full lives. It’s about things like the […]

Times Like These

Holidays. Crazy-busy work week. Birth of a child. Death of a loved one. Marriage. Divorce. What do all of these have in common? What are times like these? They are all times that disrupt routine, regular life, what we do most days. They are times that kick us out of what we’re used to. Some […]

WST 066: On Sacred Information

philosophy, health, wellness, politics

Do you ever look over your shoulder at someone else’s life and think “if I just had that?” Most of us do, and yet…to do it less means gathering “sacred information” and holding it close. Like, close. SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEW VIMEO CHANNEL!!! Support me on Patreon Wellevatr (Jason Wrobel/Whitney Lauritsen free ebook) Health Made […]