Parenting Classes!

How the time flies…I wanted to throw down a quick blog on parents! Being one myself, I am really inspired by the interest coming from parents on nutrition and healthy eating. I have speaking engagements this month at two schools in Healdsburg. One of them was last week and it was fantastic. In light of […]

Kids love the fantasmo raw bar!!!

[grid_4 nested=”true” position=”alpha”][/grid_4] Hello all! So, as proof of how friggin’ delicious the ‘green is the new fantasmo’ bars are, look no further than this picture of my beautiful niece enjoying one herself. Check out the recipes page for the list of ingredients. All whole foods and incredibly nutritious. I even snuck in some spirulina, […]

Petaluma Class Blogolicious

Thanks to everyone who attended my class in Petaluma, and thanks so much to Maude Rare Finds for lending us their space. It was a great group of people. lots of laughs and great food to boot (what could be better?).  Plus during the class there were lots of great old cars driving by as […]

Welcome to Transitioning to Health!!!

Hello All…. This is my first blog, the purpose of which is to welcome everyone to the site, and to the launching of my nutritional consultant practice…I would love to hear anyone’s (and everyone’s) feedback about the site if you want to put your two cents in–how it reads, how it looks, etc… In the […]